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As a citizen of a commonwealth country (Canada), I ask this question:

What the hell are pandaMa and The China Post smoking?

The liklihood of a "Chinese Commonwealth", that has any political similarites to the British Commonwealth, has as much of a chance of becoming a reality as China bringing back the emperor.

What's more, why is it so important that Taiwan institutionalize it's Chineseness through this delusionary body? Most Canadians I know don't "celebrate" Canada's British heritage in any significant way. In most of Canada, we speak English and put "u"'s in our words (like "colour")-- that is all. Hell, I'm not even of British descent.

My point being, the commonwealth has more to do with political history than it does with institutionalizing one's cultural heritage. And what "political history" does Taiwan share with the People's Republic of China?

Absolutely none.

You make a good point about the Commonwealth being about political history, although I would also add that it's also about political VALUES.

And, to paraphrase your question, what political values does democratic Taiwan have in common with communist China?

"democratic" Taiwan, indeed, shares little (if any) values) with the PRC. However, the KMT rule in the past (and, God forbid, in the near future) would share quite a few political values with Communist China. It is the KMT that makes me hesitate using the word "values" when making the contrast.

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