A lot of people looking for cool / silly links are directed to this site, but I suspect many of them leave in frustration because the list is at the very bottom of the left sidebar. Hopefully, search engines will direct them to this post from now on.
So without further ado, here's a few links that either made me laugh, or made me say, "Wow!" Please let me know if any are inactive, so I can keep the list updated.
- 10 Kick Ass Facts About Bruce Lee
- 6 Formerly Kickass Creatures Ruined by Evolution
- Abbott & Costello Meet the Homosexual Communist
- Abraham Lincoln's Aborted Duel
- Actresses from the Silent Era to Halle Berry (with Mighty Morphin' Technology)
- Almond Optical Illusion
- Ambivalence Crimes Bill
- Anti-War Hostages Returned To Iraq
- Artist Or Ape?
- Ask A Ninja
- Ask General Kang
- Ask The Aussie Imam
- Attack On The Death Star: The Deleted Scene
- Avenging Narwhal
- Badly Translated Chinese Menu
- Bart Simpson & Principal Skinner Duel (Star-Wars Style)
- Beer Cannon Montage
- Best Home-Made Light Saber Duel Ever! (Download)
- Best Home-Made Lightsaber Duel Ever!
- Big Mouse Arrow
- Birds of Taiwan
- Bizarre Creatures of the Deep
- Black Sheep Acres
- BlameBush!
- Boiling Water In Space
- Bollywood Beatles
- Borat: The Memo
- Boxing Cat
- Breakfast With A Jedi
- Britney Spears' Seven Step Program
- Bubble Struggle Game
- Bud Light Chimp
- Bunny Suicides
- Bush takes on the Zombie Threat
- Bush Was Right
- C For Cookie
- Cat Bowling Game
- Chewbacca Sings!
- Chimp Playing PacMan
- Church Sign Generator
- Classic Insults
- Clever Ravens
- Comic Book Characters' Religions
- Comic Strip Generator
- Competitive Baby Games
- Connie Chung's MSNBC Swan Song
- Controversial Gay Sheep Research
- Darth Vader As Monty Python's Black Knight
- Darth Vader being a smartass
- Darth Vader vs Japanese Police: Pt 1
- Darth Vader vs Japanese Police: Pt 2
- David Zucker's GOP Ad
- De Düva (The Dove)
- Diet Coke & Mentos
- Do-It-Yourself Eye Surgery
- Dorm Room Rube Goldberg
- Dr. McNinja
- Dr. Seuss: Star Trek Writer
- Dutch Milkshake Ad
- DVD Rewinder
- E-Mail Scambaiters
- Effects of Drugs on Spiders
- End Women's Suffrage
- Exoskeletons for Future Soldiers
- Exposure To Vacuum
- Facts About Dihydrogen Monoxide
- Facts About Dihydrogen Monoxide (Petition)
- Fantastic Four (1994) (Part 1/10)
- Femtroopers
- Fish Flatulence Research
- Fluorescent Fish
- Fly-glasses
- Flying Bullet Pics
- Fork Handles
- Formosa Birding
- Fred Flintstone's Cigarette Commercials
- French Anarchists Riot For Job Security
- Funny Newspaper Clippings
- Garfield minus Garfield
- German Coast Guard Ad
- Giant Bat-Eating Centipede
- God Bless This Beer
- Han Solo in Carbonite Desk
- Harvest Moon Photo
- Hello Kitty Hell
- HiddenPassageway.com
- Hitler cats!
- Howard Dean's Letter To Conservatives
- Human Argument Generator
- Ice Wall Smashing Game
- Indian Superman Part 2
- Indiana Jones Denied Tenure
- Insect Levitated With Sound Waves
- Insurgent Interview Parody
- Intifada Santa
- Iraqi Gandhi
- Islam vs. Christianity Debate
- Islamic Rage Boy Sings "Infidels" (Jingle Bells)
- It's Jihad, Charlie Brown
- Japanese English Bloopers
- Jedi Squirrels
- Jets Breaking the Sound Barrier
- Jihad the Musical
- Jumping Panda Game
- Lamest Superheroes of All Time
- Learning The Politically-Incorrect Alphabet
- Line Rider
- Line Rider - Jagged Peak Adventure
- Liquid Sculpture
- Lord Of The Rings - The Chat Version
- Marvel Secret Wars Re-Enactment Society
- Men Arrested For Mockery
- Micro Sculptures
- Midwest Lutherans Largely Reject Violence
- Mike for Monarch
- Misheard Lyrics - Yellow Ledbetter
- Morphin' Michael
- Mozart On Rollerblades
- Mr. Spock Sings a LOTR Tune
- Mr. Spock's Answering Machine
- N. Korea Detonates 40 Years Of GDP
- Normandy Invasion Anti-War Protesters
- Numa Numa - Fat Kid Lip Syncing
- NY Times Reports The Passover Story
- Obi-Wan Tells Luke The Truth (ANH)
- Obi-Wan Tells Luke The Truth (ROTJ)
- Octopus vs Shark
- One Trilogy to Rule Them All
- One-Man Movie Reenactments
- Optical Illusions
- P.C. Hat Controversy
- Pallywood
- Park Statue's Revenge
- Penguin Baseball Game
- PistolWimp - Star Wars Auditions
- Pope to Change D&D Cosmology
- Popstar - Parody of Nickelback’s Rockstar
- Prayer Study: Humans Fail to Manipulate God
- Princess Leia Hat
- Real Church Signs
- Relative Sizes of Astral Bodies
- Retro Cell Phone Handset
- Robot Dhimmitude Watch
- Robotic "Luke" Arm
- Rock, Paper, Saddam!
- Rotational Illusions
- Sam Kinison Debunks the Da Vinci Code
- Save The Earth
- Schapelle Corby Tour
- Shatner's Tribute To Lucas
- Shave The Yeti
- Shuriken Assault
- Smoke on the Water - Ancient Japanese Style
- Star Trek vs. Star Wars
- Star Wars Last Supper
- Star Wars Troops
- Strange Cloud Photos
- Strange Vehicles
- Taco Town Commercial
- Tea Partay
- The 'Conspiracy' Interviews Mel Gibson
- The Cave of Crystals
- The Comic Book Guy Interviews Mary Mapes
- The Contra-Crunchy Conservative
- The Cthulhu Circus
- The Department Of Evil
- The Norman Rockwell Code
- The People's Cube
- The Rodenator
- The Sands of Passion Episode 1
- The Shining (Comedy Trailer)
- The Skeletor Show Episode 1 - The Box
- The Twenty Coolest Superhero Costumes
- The War Nerd
- TheExplodingWhale.com
- Thieves Steal Herman Munster's Identity
- Throw Paper!
- Tiger’s Nest Monastery Photo
- Top 10 real life Star Trek inventions
- Uncyclopedia
- Uranium Glassware
- V For Vendetta Review
- Valentine's Day Poems
- Virtual Bubblewrap
- We Need a War for Oil
- Weird Al vs. Eminem
- Whale-Watching Trip Goes Bad
- When America Joins The Caliphate...
- Which Historic General Are You?
- Which Sci-Fi Ship Do You Belong On?
- Which Super Villain Are You?
- Which Superhero are you?
- Which WATCHMEN Character Are You?
- Who Killed Fidel Castro?
- Why So Few Asian Men With White Women?
- Woman Gets Seizures When Expressing Emotions
- Women Prefer Skinny Models
- Wookieepedia
- World of Warcraft Widow
- Your Sports Team Will Suffer Humiliation...
- Zarqawi's E-Mail Gripes
- Zarqawi's Gripes
- Zarqawi's Job Gripes
- Zarqawi's Mom's Blog
- Zarqawi's Paradise Gripes
- Zidane Headbutt Game
- Zombie Shootout Game
Hundreds more sign generators on http://www.customsigngenerator.com ;)
Posted by: WHAK'd | May 04, 2006 at 04:02 PM