Saw this Reuters story in one of the local Taiwanese papers sometime within the last week, and didn't think this should go uncorrected:
Upcoming elections in Taiwan, with lawmakers keen to appear firm on defence, nudged parliament to pass the most extensive arms budget in years, including funds to produce a missile that can strike China.
The KMT initially threatened to slash the budget for the Hsiung Feng missiles but eventually passed one third of the T$3.84 billion (US$118 million) sought for 2008, and froze the rest.
The missile, early versions of which have already been built, is being domestically developed and is believed to have a range of about 600 km (400 miles), making it capable of striking cities as far away as Shanghai. [emphasis added]
The Hsiung Feng IIE is a cruise missile, and is probably pretty accurate, even if one discounts its advertised accuracy of one meter. Unlikely that something like that would be pointed at CITIES and employed as a crude weapon of terror against civilians.
By a democracy that cares about world opinion, at any rate.