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Bush doesn't get more heckling because of the impossibility to get near him he has so much security with him wherever he goes. Nancy Pelosi also heckled protesters who she supposedly agreed with.

I didn't take the martial law comment seriously either. But, think of it this way, didn't the blues say that Chen rigged the election by not letting military people vote. So, they are saying that military folk don't like Chen. Wouldn't it be hard to really impose martial law without the support of the military.

Well, Bush isn't running for office now, and hecklers get a LOT more opportunities when politicians are up for election.

I tried to be as non-partisan as I could in presenting counter-heckling incidents. I really wanted to find examples of Bush Sr. or Bush Jr. taking on hecklers, but couldn't find them. I've no doubt those examples exist, however. Politicians of whatever party are human beings too, and sometimes they're gonna respond to what they perceive as rude or unfair criticism.

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