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When Taiwanese complain about corruption I like to compare Taiwan to New Jersey. Just Google "new jersey corruption" and you'll get a small taste of what I'm talking about.

You parenthesized:
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No, the real scandal is that the Taiwanese educational system apparently produces sizable numbers of people who can't recognize a big, steaming pile of water buffalo poop when it stares them right in the face.
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You mean, like telling them that this "map" represents "my country"?:

The KMT's Confucian education system (and its remnants) are big on that "memorize this, and don't think too much for yourself" model. See also:

Both links are to photos in my Flickr album of teaching materials I have had to use.

That's a bit like Italians teaching their students that England is part of their country. 'Cause it once belonged to the Romans.

Nice analogy!

Tim, I am the last person to defend Taiwanese education, but your comment pushes me to the limit. It fact, it's the education version of the corruption problem. Last time I checked, Taiwanese engineers were building the computer hardware that powers the world.

The problems you point to are issues and will be increasingly so in the years to come, but it's just not credible to say that schooling here fails completely.

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