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For a non-lawyer, in 2 hours only, you are pretty fast in writing a clear and informative piece on the subject!
I (a lawyer --oldish now) admire you.
Maybe you could make a piece on the situation of the kids who are born in Taiwan from one foreign parent and one Taiwanese: they have dual nationality but must choose at 18 y/old when they reach time for university. What is their status? Could you give me hints where to look for clarifications?

Aw shucks, now you're embarrassing me. But no, it took me a couple hours to do the googling and the reading -- the actual write-up time was longer than that. And I'm a pretty slow writer, in all honesty.

As for your question, I'm not in that situation, so I've never looked into it. Forumosa maybe has something on it:

I'll e-mail Michael Turton and see if he has any other ideas.

Sorry for the delay in answering. Had (and still have) some computer trouble.

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