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IS Beiing a fascist state? Michael Ledeen says yes in FEER. Bummer is Ledeen is one of the NeoCon shits who gave us Iraq. I think it is no longer politically correct to say what Beijing really is, lest you hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

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I never cease to be amazed at the hypocrisy of the neocons. Although Ledeen makes a good argument about the current Chinese system, the same fascist undertones (to put it mildly) are inherent in the policies of the Bush government in the past 7+ years.

Full disclosure here: I, along with Michael Ledeen, favored of the Iraq War. Let's just say I'm really not interested in rehashing the arguments pro and con at THIS stage of the game, though.

Anyways, about Michael's link. Good piece. Ledeen's field of academic expertise is apparently fascist Italy, so it is valuable for him to point out the similarities with modern China. (I've heard John Derbyshire also describe China as a post-fascist or neo-fascist state, so the argument isn't new to me.)

However, some of the characteristics he points out aren't limited to fascist states or fascists at all; Friedrich Schiller was a German classical liberal through-and-through, but he also made an appeal to a golden, mythical (freedom-loving) past when he wrote "Wilhelm Tell". And certainly, the desire to build grand buildings or monuments does not a fascist make.

Myself, I'm still more comfortable calling the Beijing government "authoritarian." Though regardless of HOW we classify it, it should be expected that Chinese officials who liken their government to a "living Buddha" will also view criticism of that Buddha as nothing short of blasphemy.

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