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Man, I wish there was some video of those Anti-Terror Assault Vehicles in action!


This is the closest I could find...

I ran into one of those stories of a crook being apprehended by a cop on a Segway just a few days ago:

On a final note, I wonder how Dean Kamen feels about his invention being used by the Chinese authorities like this. The guy creates this thing with the noble goal of reducing fuel consumption and traffic congestion. Next thing you know, you see a pic like this and you just know the Chinese are going to employ it against Tiananmen protesters and the like.

I'm just wondering how effective this Segway will be with these cops. Maybe I don't know enough about the Segway, but I just don't see how these scooters can be effective against protesters, let alone "terrorists"?

The U.S. is now testing a microwave ray-gun. Now THAT is a serious tool to control protesters! Especially if one of those pesky anti-war protesters can't get out of the way of the radiation frying his epidermis.

I suspect the Chinese see it as a useful tool which allows widely-dispersed security forces to more rapidly converge upon a "disturbance".

Sure does look funny, though.

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