[Wrote this one a few weeks ago, but must not have hit the "Publish Now" button. Yeesh.]
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, Rome
(Image from HBO.com)
Looked over my last post, and was struck by these few lines:
Then I recalled last year, when Taiwan's KMT proposed putting a referendum question to the Taiwanese electorate about their opinion regarding Taiwan's entry into the U.N. under the name "Republic of China" (or some other "practical name").
Which I didn't have much of a problem with. Until the party reversed itself, and in a remarkable feat of cynicism, called upon voters to boycott THEIR OWN REFERENDUM QUESTION.
Our own referendum question sucks donkeys so bad, the KMT said, you shouldn't even bother voting "Yea" or "Nay".
Irreligious? Oh, I have a few OTHER choice words to describe it. But be that as it may, that should have been a tip-off as to how the KMT would govern if they were restored to power.