China's UN diplomat in drunken rant against Americans
China's top-ranking UN diplomat embarked on a drunken rant against the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, telling his boss he'd "never liked" him, and adding for good measure that he didn't like Americans either.
Give the man a break. The poor, sloshed Chinese ambassador was only doing his job in accurately conveying the opinions of his Zhongnanhai masters. (One wonders though, whether he might might still face a reprimand -- for his failure to harangue Vietnamese, Koreans, Indians and all the other non-Han untermenschen.)
The outburst by Sha Zukang at a retreat for top UN officials in the Austrian ski resort of Alpbach left senior UN officials cringing in embarrassment as others tried to convince him to put down the microphone, according to Washington-based Foreign Policy magazine.
I know who's not getting invited to the next big office karaoke party...
UPDATE: Foreign Policy magazine, with more on this. Where it is said that once, during the Cultural Revolution, Sha Zukang was forced to live for DAYS on nothing but food and water.
UPDATE (Sep 10/10): Heh. Chinese truth serum.
UPDATE (Sep 11/10): 'Nother heh. China's least inscrutable diplomat. The British writer apparently has worked with Sha Zukang in the past, and maintains that Sha was fully capable of this kind of performance while stone-cold sober.