Just who was it who recently was awarded the coveted "World Harmony Foundation" Peace Prize for his notable accomplishments in "improving relations between China and the rest of the world"?
General Chi Haotian, the infamous defense minister who ordered the Tiananmen Square Massacre, that's who.
The icing on the cake: the presenter was none other than Sha Zhukang, China's buffoonish "diplomat" at the U.N.
(Left to Right: World Harmony Foundation founder Frank Liu, Tiananmen Butcher General Chi Haotian, and Chinese ultranationalist U.N. official Sha Zhukang. Image from Inner City Press)
Postscript: Is this some kind of hoax -- like Swiss spaghetti trees, or devious plots to dye Wenzhou brown bears and pass them off as giant pandas?
No such luck. Even P.R.C. media outlets report the story. (And with an eagerness in marked contrast to their complete coverage blackout of Liu Xiaobo's Nobel win just last month . . .)
UPDATE: Using a (Chinese) U.N. official to give at least the ILLUSION of U.N. approval. Nice touch.
UPDATE #2: Although maybe too clever by half. There've been some questionable (sometimes VERY questionable) Nobel Peace Prize choices over the years. But with one fell stroke, the "World Harmony Foundation" has rendered its awards radioactive. Getting one of them puppies now is like bare-handedly grabbing a plutonium-239 trophy. The 21st Century equivalent of the Stalin Peace Prize.
Just for a moment, imagine all the time, money and hard work the Chinese Communist Party spent on this thing. Their goal was to create a credible rival organization to the Nobels via a "private" charity fronted by businessman (and Chinese Communist Party princeling) Frank Liu.
And then they undid it all -- in an instant!
In all sincerity, it warms the cockles of my heart to watch the Butchers of Beijing make unforced errors like this.
UPDATE #3: More commentary from the Rosett Report here.