Admittedly the competition is stiff, but Joe Hung goes full Goebbels with his latest screed on March 24th's government eviction of student protesters from Taiwan's Executive Building.
Claims Joe about Ma Ying-jeou's bloody crackdown:
"The force used to expel the Black Island Nation Youth Front mob wasn't violent at all." [Emphasis added]
Refutation comes from the equivalent of a thousand words:
(Image from
No violence, you say, Joe? Perhaps this man just went to a REALLY bad barber then, eh? Took a little too much off the top. Happens all the time!
Or maybe it's spontaneous hemorrhaging. Brought on by...ebola! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Or, when in doubt, why not return to one of Joe Hung's pet tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories? The devious man in this photo quite obviously faked his own assault by snatching a riot stick from a virtuous policeman's hands and beat himself over the head with it to gain sympathy.
Oh, the lengths these sneaky devils go to!
The China Post's Joe Hung begins his latest column by informing his readers of the meaning of "grandiosity".
Instead, he might have been better served looking up the definition of violence, in order to avoid making a complete ass of himself.
Postscript: Heh. A good journalist would instantly recognize that "mob" probably doesn't apply to those who are peacefully seated.
But this is Joe Hung we're talking about, so standards of good journalism don't really apply.