The aura of Loserdom is strong with this one:
Taiwan's China Post declares that autocracy works under "wise" leadership
The paper's argument rests upon three examples: Singapore, China and South Korea.
With regards to the first country, it must be asked: If autocracy in Singapore works so well, why do over half its citizens wish to emigrate? Is it possible there's something Singaporeans know about Singapore that the China Post does not?
Perish the thought. The people can NEVER know more than their would-be masters.
As for China, it's telling that the Post omitted any defense of the wisdom of the Chinese Communist Party's Nazi-like policy of exterminating religious minorities for the purpose of organ harvesting. (But how splendid though, that the Butchers of Beijing make the cattle cars to their ghoulish death camps run on time.)
Lastly, we come to South Korea, which represents a full third of the author's defense of autocracy:
South Korea is another case in point...The free economic zones promulgated by the government have won support from the public majority, and are en route to attracting more foreign investment.
That would be an admirable achievement for autocracy...if indeed it was an autocracy that had conceived and implemented it!
(The facts however, show that the first of South Korea's economic zones was set up in 2003. At which time, Korea was a democracy...)
Welcome back from your operation, Joe Hung. It's good to see the quality of your columns has not suffered despite your convalescence: rest assured, they are as error-riddled and badly-argued when their author ingests mind-altering pain medication as when he does not.