Xi Jinping murdered Liu Xiaobo by medical neglect, just as surely as if he had ordered a halt to Liu's food or water in that political prison.
“The last Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to be effectively killed by his own government was Carl Ossietsky, in Germany in 1938,” [Bill] Bishop notes. “Does Xi care that the the likely precedent here for Beijing will be pre-World War II Nazi Germany?”
(Image from Twitter.com)
In an uncharacteristic move, Taiwan's China Post reported on the fate of President Xi's other victims:
"In what amounts to nothing less than a 'war on law' that is unprecedented in its scale and severity," the New York [City Bar Association] said, "Chinese human rights lawyers and activists have been summoned for questioning, kidnapped by secret politic, detained incommunicado in 'black jails' and other prisons, humiliated and subjected to marathon interrogation sessions and other forms of sadistic psychological and physical torture, including sleep deprivation, forced medication (often with grave consequences for mental and physical health), brutal beatings, electric shocks, prolonged subversion in water, death threats, and months of solitary confinement."
If the China Post had been this honest about China over the past 15 years, it might still have a print edition.
But instead, the Post elected to be Chinese Communist Party shills, thereby driving their 65-year-old newspaper into the ground.
Just sayin'.