ISIS virtually conquered after losing its capital, reports The China Post.
Worst hit by the news: Former Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. If he's alive, that is.
Second worst hit: Former China Post editor Joe Hung, who predicted (less than two years ago) that the Islamic State Caliphate was invincible. (No use clicking through, though. The China Post has killed the link, perhaps realizing that this editorial column was not among the paper's finest.)
ISIS had hundreds of thousands of fanatical troops and billions of dollars, Joe Hung said. The world would just have to live with the Islamo-Nazis' new Thousand-Year Reich, he insisted. Because ISIS would bring peace and love and understanding to the Middle East, just like all the Caliphates did before it.
Oh, and never you mind about the lowly infidel (Yazidi and Christian women) relegated to sexual slavery to soldiers of the Master Faith. Yazidis & Christians are little people, and in Joe Hung's world, the rapes of a few thousand little people are well worth the price of the grand Middle Eastern Utopia he assured us was just around the corner.
A few of Joe Hung's mighty, invincible rapist-terrorists. After their defeat. Why, they look ten-feet tall, don't they just?
Either on their knees, or at your throat:
Update (October 19, 2017): Slideshow of triumphant troops after having defeated ISIS in Raqqa.
Update (October 22, 2017):