Sep 19/07: Googling "super-skinny models should be banned" brought one poor reader to a post about Chinese opposition to the Taiwanese flag during international sporting events. Huh???
Sep 15/07: This morning, someone was directed to one of my posts after searching for "what was the tiger's name on the flintstones." Nothing in the post on that subject, but gee whiz. Now you've got ME thinking about it!
Oct 10/06: A recent search: will+that+taiwanese+president+ever+resign. I can so vividly imagine the author's tone of exasperation.
Sep 24/06: Someone recently googled indonesian+chinese+jewish+rioting. Have there been many cases of Jews rioting in Indonesia, or what?
Jun 20/06: A few visitors are directed to my post about fluorescent pigs while Googling foreigner+scientist. What on earth are they looking for with such vague criteria?
Apr 5/06: Searching for, foreigner+in+taiwan+want+china+unification, brings the user to my site.
Pretty strange, but it does pose a question that I hadn't considered before, viz., how many foreigners in Taiwan actually DO want Taiwan to be annexed by Communist China?
Feb 18/06: Searching for, audio+I'm+Spartacus, instead directs the user to my post regarding the high-frequency songs of mice.
Obviously, the engine must have gotten confused upon seeing my posts discussing the Cartoon Hoax, No, I'm Spartacus and Why I Too, Am Spartacus. Sorry to disappoint, but I've no audio clips of that inspirational moment in Stanley Kubrick's movie.
Feb 17/06: Someone typed, Taiwan+should+surrender, and directed them to MY website. Hilarious!
Guess it comes from this sentence, from a December 2005 post:
The "viable strategy" [to end Taiwan's isolation] that The China Post proposes is that Taiwan should surrender its sovereignty to the communists in exchange for a few scraps thrown to it from the masters' table.
Stop sugarcoating it Foreigner; tell us what you REALLY think about Taiwanese capitulation!