Posted by The Foreigner on October 31, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Halloween
No, this has got to be an internet hoax:
Maybe, but that video sure looks & sounds like Canada's Justin Trudeau:
@davidd_dds @fordnation Justin must be hard 2 work with. Just listening 2 him is hard but look his left eye brow has lost its glue. @JustinTrudeau It’s a lot having a full time job isn’t it. Not as many naps or-story times. @OYLorg @liberal_party JT is falling apart, literally.
— DDS (@davidd_dds) June 8, 2018
And CNN's video verifies it.
I understand that Mr. Trudeau used to work as a small theater actor, but maybe G7 meetings aren't the best time to pinch pennies with bargain-basement spirit gum.
— CNN (@CNN) June 9, 2018
Justin Eyebreau
— neontaster (@neontaster) June 10, 2018
The greatest tragedy here is that I can't find Norm Macdonald's SNL performance as Burt Reynolds, where his fake mustache starts falling off & Norm blows at it to keep the thing off his lip.
The Last Globalist Supper
— neontaster (@neontaster) June 9, 2018
I knew I had him dead to rights but I still needed a confession, and he was staring daggers at me like a caged lion, daring me to come in and play.
— neontaster (@neontaster) June 9, 2018
But I needed to get that confession. I owed it to the victim's widow...
Honest to God, we elected a troll as president.
— prop op (@ProperOpinion) June 9, 2018
I sorta hope he pretend banged a gavel and said, "I now call the quilting club to order."
AP grabbed this shot of Trump walking in late to the gender equality breakfast at the G7 summit
— Katie Watson (@kathrynw5) June 9, 2018
MERKEL: When I say "tariffs are bad" and press down on your foot, you smile and nod.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 9, 2018
TRUMP: Check!
MERKEL: (Stepping on Trump's foot) Tariffs are a tax on consumers, and will hurt all economies.
TRUMP: (Stares blankly, then turns and whispers to Abe) I think she's talking to you.
Canada is trying to destroy our country with its tariffs on dairy. And it’s working. The only thing left is for us to surrender unconditionally and beg for mercy. Does anyone speak Canadian?
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) June 10, 2018
Posted by The Foreigner on June 10, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: fake mustache, G7 meeting, Justin Trudeau
Brilliant idea @rianjohnson. The perfect way to prevent people from walking out. #TheLastJedi #CriticProof
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) December 5, 2017
I have decided the optimal viewing experience for The Last Jedi is on a plane 8 hours into an international flight
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) December 5, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on June 07, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Mark Hamill, Rian Johnson, Star Wars, The Last Jedi
— Conor Fitzgerald (@fitzfromdublin) May 29, 2018
Posted by The Foreigner on May 30, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: invented names, Japan
You know, Disney turned into a hardcore slash studio so gradually, I didn't even notice.
Lando Calrissian is pansexual now, haven't you heard?
GEORGE LUCAS (1980): If I had to describe Lando, I'd say he's this very charismatic smooth-talking con man. He's a flatterer skilled in using the spoken word to disarm people to get what he wants. Absolutely irresistable to the ladies.
His weakness is that sometimes he takes it too far, and provokes suspicion.
WHITE SLAVER DISNEY CORP (2018): Sure, Pando Calrissian likes the ladies, but he also likes to charm Han Solo into giving him blowjobs in the cantina toilets. LOL!
UPDATE (May 29, 2018): Forgot I had a copy of Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays at home. Lando's original character description among the script writers (p. 196):
"Lando was discussed as 'a new Han Solo character.' He is described as a slick, riverboat gambler dude. Unlike Han Solo, this guy should be elegant, sort of like James Bond. There were discussions about getting this new character a sidekick, a girl or female alien or a matched set of girls...possibly something odd and outrageous. This man should be charming so it will not occur to the audience that he would betray Han and Leia. "
Nothing there about him sticking his dick into the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive motivator.
UPDATE #2: There was also some discussion that Lando could be a very rich businessman, with connections to the highest echelons of the Imperial elite. So that he'd be someone that even Darth Vader would be reluctant to tangle with.
UPDATE #3: Also some discussion that Lando could have been one of the last remaining clones from the Clone Wars.
Posted by The Foreigner on May 18, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: pansexual Lando Calrissian, ugnaughts butt-fucking Lando Calrissian, white slaver Disney
"Hello, this is Mark Waid from Marvel Comics. Yes, THE Mark Waid. Youse guys better back out from publishing this guy's graphic novel, or I'll use my industry muscle to bankrupt your small publishing company. Because I don't like his politics, that's why. So just do as you're told, or I'll ruin you."
"Oh, and have a nice day."
Sounds like a potential fair trade violation. Did Marvel give Mark Waid their blessing in this blatant effort to stifle the competition and protect their near-monopoly?
Mark Waid used intimidation to keep me from getting my goods to market.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
Businesses are supposed to compete on the shelves not by intimidating smaller publishers through industry weight and rumors.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
What Mark Waid and the other SJW comic book pros did yesterday to Antarctic Press was not only unconscionable and unethical, but possibly illegal as well.
Mark Waid acted maliciously knowing that he and his cohorts in the industry could bear incredible pressure on this tiny mom-and-pop operation down in San Antonio.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
Mark Waid & the other SJW Crybullies were TERRIFIED of having to compete against a non-political crowd-funded superhero comic book on the stands.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
They bullied a small publisher so viciously that the owner's nerves were shot in less than 36 hours.
It's been confirmed that after maliciously spending all day attacking @AntarcticPress and using his elder statesman status to intimidate them, that Mark Waid has shut down his Facebook.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
Why are you hiding? Aren't you proud, Mark?
Mark Waid shut down ALL of his social media after intimidating a small mom-and-pop publisher.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 14, 2018
I know I always DELETE ALL THE THINGS and shut down my social media when I've done nothing wrong.
Please don't send any negative messages or energy toward @AntarcticPress
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 12, 2018
They did what they had to do after enduring a vicious wave of bullying from SJW Comic Book Pros that was led by Mark Waid.
Refusal to deal. Under certain circumstances, it's a criminal offense.
Just got off the phone with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) 1-877-382-4357
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) May 14, 2018
Filed a report regarding unfair business practices by Mark Waid of @Marvel and his interference with my contract with Antarctic Press.
Reference # 95609753
UPDATE (May 18, 2018): A lawyer looks at the claims involved, and doesn't see a criminal case.
Instead, he sees a pretty solid case for a civil case of "tortious interference" (interference with a contract).
He's clearly astonished at the volume of evidence Mark Waid left behind on social media for all to see. Favorite quote:
"[Mark Waid,] if I were your lawyer, I would slap you when you walked in the door. And then I would bill you for it."
UPDATE (May 31, 2018): Mark Waid, misogynist:
Posted by The Foreigner on May 12, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Antarctic Press, Jawbreakers, Mark Waid, Marvel Comics, unfair trade practices
Hillary Clinton: A 'Very Large Portion' of the US Population Feels 'Uneasy' About Women Seeking Power
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) May 12, 2018
Yes, that's it. The American people just weren't good enough for you, Hillary.
Posted by The Foreigner on May 11, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton
A man suspected of stealing hundreds of computers used to mine Bitcoin in Iceland escaped from prison and fled to Sweden, reportedly on a plane carrying Iceland’s prime minister
— POLITICO (@politico) April 20, 2018
What if all the snakes on that plane were emotional support snakes?
— Tinker Elle (@elle91) April 20, 2018
Posted by The Foreigner on April 21, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: bitcoin miners, Iceland
My President Tapped That Ass™
— Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike) April 19, 2018
— Texas Sheepdog (@WolfHunter1836) April 19, 2018
Hot damn!
— Bogojo2 (@Bogojo7) April 19, 2018
I preemptively give permission to all Playmates that I banged to tell everyone.
— (@instapundit) April 19, 2018
Yeah, Trump's popularity is totally going to tank when word gets out he was tapping a Playmate of the Year. 🙄
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) April 18, 2018
BTW that is one hell of a picture. A gloriously naked beautiful woman can't really SEE anything even while you're seeing....everything.
— Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike) April 19, 2018
Photography like this is a lost art.
— Roy Mack (@CaptainMack1776) April 19, 2018
My reaction:
No sympathy for anyone involved.
Melania knew what she was getting into. The American electorate knew what they were getting into - if America wanted a morally-upstanding Republican, Mitt Romney would've been halfway through his second term by now.
And the press? Too clever by half, the press gave Trump coverage for ratings during the primaries, and propped him up thinking he'd be a pushover for Hillary in the general.
So sit back and enjoy the show.
Posted by The Foreigner on April 19, 2018 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Donald Trump, Karen McDougal, Playmate-Gate
This is what a feminist looks like:
Sen. Al Franken is a major proponent of Title IX policies that would get college students in trouble and strip them of due process when facing investigations for the exact same kind of misbehavior he seemingly committed.
— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) November 16, 2017
we need a senate ethics probe to tell us if a picture of man's hands on a sleeping woman's breasts shows a man's hands on a sleeping woman's breasts
— TheOne&OnlyExpert (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 16, 2017
Monday: Believe every woman
— EducatédHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) November 17, 2017
Friday: There’s a shadow between her boob & his hand.
Picture traveling back in time a year, and telling people that by November 2017, sex harassment allegations had not derailed the Trump presidency, but had effectively ended the careers of Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Leon Wieseltier...
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) November 29, 2017
Lex Lauer
— neontaster 🚟 (@neontaster) November 29, 2017
Lauer "had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up"
— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) November 29, 2017
How I will be interacting with women from now on
— Shteve (@SteveBlogs11) November 24, 2017
I would like to apologize to any of the women or men who were offended by my numerous horrible sexual perversions that I absolutely am not admitting to at this time
— Jim Treacher is a dumb pseudonym (@jtLOL) November 30, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on November 16, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Al Franken, groping, sexual harassment, SNL
Posted by The Foreigner on November 03, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Love Your Lawyer Day
You know, #Halloween jack-o-lanterns were originally made out of turnips. Hmm, neat. I wonder what that looked li- JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST
— Jayme K (@brainexploderrr) August 10, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on October 31, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Halloween, Turnip jack-o-lanterns
You are now aware that Sisko is drinking from the same whiskey glass as Deckard did in Blade Runner.
— RazörFist (@RAZ0RFIST) October 9, 2017
When I saw this in the 90s my mouth was open in shock at the ending. DS9 was always dark, this was the episode that turned off the lights.
— StoicLion (@StoicLion1973) October 9, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on October 19, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Blade Runner, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, whiskey glass
Still holding out hope for this design
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 31, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on September 02, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: 20 dollar bill, Harriet Tubman, Terminator 2
I hear the new Dune is going to be more of a woke version. It'll be full of Fremenist propaganda.
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 21, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on August 23, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Dune, movies, science fiction
THE FORCE AWAKENS: “What if we had a Death Star but, like, a bigger Death Star?”
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) August 9, 2017
Audiences: “Here’s $2 billion.”
Used to consider myself a little more of a Star Wars guy than a Star Trek guy, but lately I've begun thinking about how depressing the Star Wars cinematic universe really is.
Take any World War 2 movie: no matter how harrowing, it's either explicit or implicit that all the carnage and sacrifice results in 75 years of real-world peace. Even if the characters die, the ultimate payoff to all the conflict is peace.
Now take Return Of The Jedi. Good guys win, galaxy is liberated, everyone lives happily ever after.
Except that they don't live happily ever after. Poor bastard Luke Skywalker spends the next 35 years of his life fighting the remnants of the Empire, until he gets PTSD and crawls into a fetal position in his hermit's cave.
And who can blame him? What's he got to look forward to? Or we, the audience, for that matter? Just movie upon movie of war without end.
And that's why the Star Wars universe is a depressing place. In the Star Wars universe, peace can never be the ultimate payoff. Disney expects yearly returns on a 4.5 billion dollar investment. Can't say that I blame them, but any final "victory" in the latest trilogy is going to seem very hollow when the next band of plucky heroes just have to fight Empire 3.0 in the trilogy which inevitably follows.
More Death Stars, more planetary genocides, more nihilism, ad infinitum.
Sorry Disney, count me out.
UPDATE (Aug 11 / 2017): Just to expand upon one point: in Star Trek, the default state is peace. Of course, in order to have drama, some kind of conflict has to exist. So in any given episode or movie, violence or brinksmanship or diplomacy is used to deal with the conflict.
With the conflict resolved, the Star Trek universe once more reverts to its natural state, peace. (Even if, in the case of the Original Series, that peace sometimes was imperfect and took the form of cold wars with the Klingons or Romulans.)
Conversely, with Star Wars, the default state of nature is war. The audience always knows that war continues between episodes. There's rarely any respite, other than perhaps the occasional happy end-of-trilogy celebration sequence to signify a brief, fragile peace before the resumption of hostilities.
(About the only way to avoid this problem would be to set the next trilogy in the Old Republic or a thousand years into the future in the Third Republic. Which I don't see happening -- they'd lose too much on the merchandising of the current characters, etc.)
Posted by The Foreigner on August 10, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Disney, Star Wars
Doctorates in spaaace!
It turns out that Princess Leia had a PhD and people are freaking out
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) August 6, 2017
PhD is such a terrestrial term and it's dumb to use it. He could have easily said something like "a scholar of Alderaan University" instead.
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 6, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on August 09, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: George Lucas, PhD, Princess Leia, Star Wars, Vulcan Science Academy
A photo of "a vile lich-like Face of Death, and also, a prop severed Trump head."
That's Kathy "al-Amriki" Griffin to you, Infidels.
For the first time in a while, Trump isn't the most obnoxious orange thing in this country. #KathyGriffin
— neontaster (@neontaster) May 30, 2017
Watch out Jeff Dunham, there's a new ventriloquist act in town
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 30, 2017
Kathy Griffin 'Beheads President Trump' In Shocking New Photos -
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 30, 2017
Boy, Shari Lewis and Lambchop took a disturbing turn.
— Adam Klein (@stellamydog) May 30, 2017
A tale of two presidents.
— neontaster (@neontaster) May 30, 2017
Trump 'beheaded' - meh
— Razor (@hale_razor) May 30, 2017
Bush head on a pike - meh
Trump 'executed' by rapper - meh
Obama mask on rodeo clown: JOB LOSS & DOJ INVESTIGATION
If things were different I'd probably be willing to give Kathy Griffin the benefit of the doubt, but then that's not a thing anymore, is it?
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 31, 2017
When they go low, we go ISIS video.
— neontaster (@neontaster) May 30, 2017
Oh why do I have to look at what Kathy Griffin did, yawn, it doesn't matt-- WHAT SOME MALE WANTS IN ON A WONDER WOMAN SCREENING
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) May 30, 2017
"Get over the Kathy Griffin picture you ❄️ what's the matter? It's just a photo" - people hysterical over a peeing dog statue this morning
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 30, 2017
.@USAA as a company targeting servicemen, what's your policy on advertising on networks employing ppl who incite beheading of the C-in-C?
— Baby Goat Alliance (@AceofSpadesHQ) May 30, 2017
Waiting for someone to wrap a ketchup-covered Trump mask and a Quran in an American flag and start it on fire under the Fearless Girl statue
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 30, 2017
The abject fear in her eyes indicates she was either grilled by the Secret Service or her booking agent
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 31, 2017
I am sorry. I went too far. I was wrong.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) May 30, 2017
if you analyze closely, she's blinking "please don't cancel me, Morongo Casino" in Morse code
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 31, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on May 30, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: CNN, domestic terrorism, Donald Trump, ISIS, Kathy Griffin
Talk of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg exploring his options for running for high office.
Best of luck to him, but I suspect two billionaire businessman won't be elected in a row.
Zuckerberg: god isn't real
— Aleph (@woke8yearold) May 5, 2017
Zuckerberg: You voters love god right? Me too, he's the best.
[There are no atheists in the foxholes...or on the campaign stump!]
Just a billionaire who formerly considered himself an atheist hanging out in a black church not running for president or anything.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) May 7, 2017
[D.C. is worth a mass.]
Two aspiring outsiders. Only one can be POTUS. You must choose.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) May 13, 2017
It makes me happy that ambitious kids who went to law school to get into politics are getting punk'd by pro wrestling
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 10, 2017
Actor and former pro wrestler Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson says a presidential run is 'a real possibility.'
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 10, 2017
UPDATE: I assume this is satire:
Like a typical politician, Zuckerberg is pandering to win the crucial sea captain vote
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) May 6, 2017
UPDATE (May 26 / 2017):
So The Rock decided he wants to be a politician right when Greg Gianforte decided he wants to be a wrestler.
— neontaster (@neontaster) May 25, 2017
UPDATE (Aug 9 / 2017):
"I also love to celebrate the great spirit with my fellow Earthlings"
— Aleph (@woke8yearold) August 7, 2017
Data Zuck is the best Zuck.
— Percy Gryce (@percy_gryce) August 7, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on May 14, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Guys, if the Pope ever needs to submit a #FOIA request, the FBI is ready.
— Brad Heath (@bradheath) May 12, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on May 13, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: FBI, Freedom of Information Act request, religious titles
Hey, remember that time Hitler launched missile strikes in punitive response to a dictator who attacked civilians with chemical weapons?
Quite likely this relegates news of the Senate "Nuclear Option" and Xi Xin-ping's visit down to page 2.
(Kinda makes Putin look weak as well. What with his troops skedaddling from their ally's Sarin dispensary on extremely short notice.)
"Hey, maybe don't use this airbase to launch chemical attacks on hospitals" seems like a message worth sending.
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 7, 2017
It's sad that politicians can't find money for education, clean water or healthcare but they can spend millions to "send a message to Syria"
— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) April 7, 2017
This strike is very narrative-breaking with regard to Trump being a Putin stooge. How is Louise Mensch going to spin this one?
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 7, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on April 06, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
8 years.
— CNN (@CNN) January 14, 2017
2 terms.
1 man.
A look back at President Obama's countless fist bumps.
Posted by The Foreigner on January 15, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Obama, CNN, throne-sniffing
... a personal e-mail of former US secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton recently leaked by WikiLeaks suggested an adviser, Jake Sullivan, once shared with her an article titled “To save our economy, ditch Taiwan” by Paul Kane, a former international security research fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. [Emphasis added]
In the article, Kane suggested that US President Barack Obama could bolster US economic security by ending its military assistance and arms sales to Taiwan, in exchange for a write-off of US$1.14 trillion in US debt held by China.
“I saw [Paul Kane's proposal to sell out Taiwan] and thought it was so clever. Let’s discuss,” said Clinton... [Emphasis added]
The veracity of this is open to question, given Wikileaks' status as a likely Russian front group. It would therefore be helpful if America's supine press asked Secretary Clinton to confirm or deny whether it would have been the policy of her government to stab fellow democracies in the back.
Helpful, yes. But it's pretty difficult to picture this planeload of throne-sniffers ever asking the Haggard Queen any tough questions:
Find a love that looks at you the way the press looks at Hillary.
— Razor (@hale_razor) September 6, 2016
Postscript: Paul Kane's from the JFK School of Government? For real?
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty...Offer not applicable if one trillion dollar bribes are on the table." —John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address, probably
UPDATE: The original Wikileaks document. Not much different from the Taipei Times' account, though it does include Paul Kane's article in its entirety.
Posted by The Foreigner on January 14, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: American sellout of Taiwan, China, Hillary Clinton, Taiwan
From the Nuremberg Laws to the Wuppertal Laws: All of this has happened before, and all this will happen again:
"A German regional court in the city of Wuppertal affirmed a lower court decision last Friday stating that a violent attempt to burn the city's synagogue by three men in 2014 was a justified expression of criticism of Israel’s policies."
"The court sentenced the three [Muslim men responsible for the arson] ... to suspended sentences."
An evil fate awaits Jews in Eurabia, given the anti-Semitism of European natives and the unbridled Judenhass of the continent's new Muslim rapefugees.
Israel awaits. Best get out, while the gettin's good.
>I want to be able to criticize Israel without being called anti-Semitic!
— neontaster (@neontaster) January 13, 2017
>OK, go ahead.
>Awesome. *burns synagogue*
UPDATE (Jan 14, 2017): Buildings in Germany which are still illegal to burn down:
Not hard to see which castes belong to the over-class, and which are untouchables.
Posted by The Foreigner on January 13, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Angela Merkel, anti-Semitism, Germany, Muslim rapefugees, Nazi Germany, pogroms
see that assault can't be "racism" because the handicapped white man actually had all the "privilege" during his torturing
— ThatsHowYouGotTrump (@AceofSpadesHQ) January 5, 2017
Posted by The Foreigner on January 09, 2017 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Brittany Covington, Chicago torture case, CNN’s Don Lemon, Jordan Hill, random KKK Klansman, Tanishia Covington, Tesfaye Cooper
DEVELOPING: Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK throwing urine at each other>>
— KPLC (@KPLC7News) July 19, 2016
Posted by The Foreigner on July 19, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Black Lives Matter, freakshow, KKK, Westboro Baptist Church
Perhaps they should check their cop-killer privilege.
BLM chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon."
Posted by The Foreigner on July 17, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Baton Rouge, Black Lives Matter, cop killers, eliminationist rhetoric, pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon
So if I understand FBI Director James Comey correctly, Hillary Clinton was grossly negligent with classified information...but shouldn't be prosecuted for the felony of gross negligence because she wasn't intentionally negligent...
The FBI says Hillary's extremely careless with classified info, so let's give her the nuke codes!
— Razor (@hale_razor) July 5, 2016
To be perfectly fair, Donald Trump with the nuclear football isn't particularly reassuring, either.
Posted by The Foreigner on July 05, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Donald Trump, emailgate, Hillary Clinton, James Comey
So President Finger-Up-His-Ass is now giving gentlemen's courtesy calls to Islamofascists. In a time of war.
How very sporting of you, old man!
In Abu Kamal, U.S. planes dropped leaflets before the attack [on 300 fuel trucks], warning people [combatants and non-combatants alike] leave before the assault began. After waiting for an hour, the U.S. planes struck.
As a result of Obama's traitorous heads up, ISIS saved 184 of 300 fuel trucks that were lined up in rows. That's 184 trucks that can continue to ship oil and generate income for the most virulently evil organization of our time...
No wonder ISIS sends Muslim death squads to attack the West: They think they can attack with impunity because we're being led by a GODDAMN-FUCKING-PUSSY.
And, given the inept prosecution of the war by this cretinous incompetent, one cannot say they're mistaken.
The man's unfit for office.
The tell-all memoirs of this president's subordinates are going to be brutal.
UPDATE (November 17, 2015): A few more observations about Obama's farcical prosecution of the war against ISIS:
I keep saying this, but after they destroyed Palmyra, I watched them on TV parade up and down the desert trail in their black-flag jeeps
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
1. Why was this column of enemy jeeps not destroyed? 2. Why did they have NO FEAR AT ALL they would be destroyed?
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
Do you ever hear "Today's strike killed dozens of ISIS soldiers and their trucks?" No, you don't. Because jihadi soldiers are just #Misled
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
Think about it: When you hear of a drone strike, you hear that a specific leader like Jihadi Johnny was hit.
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
there were massed tanks and fixed artillery when ISIS laid siege to Kobani. We did... um, nothing. @BranKmoore75 @joe46and2 @seanmdav
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
obama is on record as favoring "pinprick" attacks "so small you won't even notice them" @joe46and2 @seanmdav
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
btw, the little French air force is more than doubling (14-20) the number of airstrikes per day the US has launched (7-8)
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
Raqqa sure has a lot of key targets for the French to bomb, targets which are strangely intact after a year of Obama's "degrading" war
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
obama's not just averse to collateral damage, he's averse to damaging the actual enemies. @DrewMTips @seanmdav
— TheModernMan (@AceofSpadesHQ) November 17, 2015
UPDATE (November 20, 2015):
"Obama's committed to a failed strategy against an enemy he has long underestimated in a war he has no plans to win"
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) November 20, 2015
Posted by The Foreigner on November 16, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Obama, ISIS, military incompetence, Muslim death squads, Paris attacks, Unfit commanders-in-chief
Posted by The Foreigner on October 26, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Chewbacca, electioneering, Ukraine
“I did sacrifice a goat. I know that’s probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans...” [Emphasis added]
He's got that finger firmly on the pulse of the electorate.
Posted by The Foreigner on October 06, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Augustus Sol Invictus, Florida, goat's blood, Libertarian Party, Pagan religious practices
Obama vs. Putin:
An out-of-his-depth desk jockey from Star Fleet parleys with Klingons (while Kirk convalesces in Sick Bay).
— Barack Obama desperately hitting Reset Button
The 1930s called. They want their foreign policy back.
Overheard at the Pentagon: "Right now, we are Putin's prison bitch."
— Nancy Youssef, نانسى (@nancyayoussef) September 30, 2015
Posted by The Foreigner on September 30, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Russia, Syria, USA
Posted by The Foreigner on July 06, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Dune, Frank Herbert
You won't BELIEVE what happened next...
And the winner of the Mohammed cartoon contest was:
Although this was a pretty strong contender, too:
My favorite drawings at the Muhammad cartoon festival in Texas were the two chalk outlines out front.
— Evan Sayet (@EvanSayet) May 4, 2015
For those who not keeping score:
First Amendment 1 Second Amendment 1 Jihad 0
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 4, 2015
Posted by The Foreigner on May 04, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Garland Texas, Islamofascist terrorism, Mohammed cartoons, the "prophet" Mohammed
I don't even know what that means.
But it was so loopy, it had to be a post title...
Postscript: Ten years ago, I'd have dealt with the Temple University ROTC cadet hazing episode in a 6 screen essay. But the serious points I tried to make over the last week are:
Posted by The Foreigner on May 04, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Posted by The Foreigner on May 02, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
UPDATE: Hmm. More men in U.S. military experienced "unwanted sexual contact" than women.
Does that mean Brigadier-General Peggy Combs and Major Michelle Bravo will be requiring cadets to attend mandatory "Walk a mile in HIS shoes" marches?
Nah. Doesn't fit with Teh Narrative™
Posted by The Foreigner on May 01, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Postscript: This is one of the last of the posts related to the Temple University ROTC hazing incident (and the last featuring Barack Obama).
It would be fair to object, "What does President Obama have to do with this case? He surely didn't give the order for this!"
And that would be true, but somewhat besides the point. Because as commander-in-chief, Mr. Obama's silence implies his consent. The real question is: Will President Obama hold the perpetrators accountable, subjecting them to either punishment, demotion or outright termination?
On that score, I have little confidence that he will. When a man kneels at the altar of political correctness and transforms a clear-cut case of religious terrorism into a mundane act of "workplace violence", then he cannot be trusted to do what's right in a case such as this.
Of course, I could be wrong. But if not, my only regret will be that my posts on the matter were not cruel and biting enough.
Posted by The Foreigner on April 30, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Everything not forbidden is compulsory. An anonymous cadet at Temple University's ROTC program speaks:
“Attendance is mandatory and if we miss it we get a negative counseling and a ‘does not support the battalion sharp/EO [Sexual Harassment / Assault Response and Prevention / Equal-Opportunity] mission’ on our CDT OER [Cadet Officer Evaluation Report] for getting the branch we want. So I just spent $16 on a pair of high heels that I have to spray paint red later on only to throw them in the trash after about 300 of us embarrass the U.S. Army tomorrow.”
Posted by The Foreigner on April 29, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Posted by The Foreigner on April 28, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
We want you, we want you, we want you as a new recruit:
An enticing offer. Plenty of parents will be absolutely thrilled to send their sons to such a wholesome educational environment.
Postscript: I've been a staunch opponent of hazing since at least the age of twelve, and what's most pernicious about the Temple ROTC hazing case is that it was conducted in the service of an ostensibly good cause. Those who expressed doubts in participating in their own ritual self-abasement were informed by their superior officers that they were bad people whose careers would be ruined for their disobedience.
As for the "Walk A Mile In Her Shoes" campaign, the first I ever heard of it was last year, and I confess to having snickered a little at the sight of the male participants. But here's the thing: I would never make fun of men who VOLUNTARILY took part, because I recognize that they're doing no harm and their intentions are basically good (notwithstanding my personal reservations about the optics and effectiveness of their efforts).
However, when such a campaign becomes involuntary - a handy excuse for toxic leaders to humiliate their subordinates - well, that's when its time to draw the satirical knives.
Posted by The Foreigner on April 27, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Posted by The Foreigner on April 26, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
And, in completely unrelated news: Army Morale Low Despite $287 Million “Optimism” Program
Gee, I WONDER how THAT could've happened...
Posted by The Foreigner on April 25, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: , Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
Hostile work environment, much?
In response to this latest development, I asked renowned military affairs specialist Dr. Kermit T. Frog about the president's change in the army's dress-code policy, and its likely effect on serviceman morale:
Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ
Posted by The Foreigner on April 24, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Brigadier General Peggy Combs, change we can believe in, forced transvestism, Major Michelle Bravo, red heels, social engineering, Temple University ROTC program, U.S. military
"And, of course, that's the story extremists and terrorists don't want the world to know -- Muslims succeeding and thriving in America. Because when that truth is known, it exposes their propaganda as the lie that it is."
— President Barack Obama"[W]e in the administration and the government should give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country and the discrimination that they face."
— Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson
So, if I understand this correctly, America is a wonderful place where Muslims succeed and thrive...while they're being relentlessly oppressed and discriminated against.
Posted by The Foreigner on February 19, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: American Muslims, Barack Obama
Posted by The Foreigner on February 13, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Atheism, Barack Obama, whitewashing Islamofascist terrorism
The American president made quite an extraordinary claim recently: that the Islamofascist zealot of indeterminate religion and ideology who recently murdered 4 Jews in Paris did so randomly, without targeting them because of their religious affiliation.
After the initial reaction of incredulity subsided, I decided to subject Mr. Obama’s assertion to pitiless, objective mathematical analysis. What exactly are the odds that 4 Jews could be randomly murdered in Paris by a single killer (as Mr. Obama would have us believe)?
The probability that a random murder in Paris will involve ONE Jew as the victim shall be defined as P1, and is determined by the following equation:
P1 = NJ / NT
Where NJ = Number of Jews living in metropolitan Paris
NT = Total number of people living in metropolitan Paris
Given Mr. Obama’s claim that the murders were unrelated, independent events, the probability that 4 Jews were randomly murdered in succession by a single individual is given by the variable Pt:
Pt = P1 * P1 * P1 * P1 = (P1)4
Now, according to the latest statistics, there are 283,000 Jews currently living in metropolitan Paris, out of a total population of 12,292,895. This allows us to solve for Pt:
Pt = (283,000 / 12,292,895)4
Pt = 0.0000002808853275
Pt = 0.000000281 (reduced to 3 significant figures)
The result can be multiplied by 100 to arrive at a percentage:
Pt (%) = 0.0000281%
Thus, there is a 0.0000281% chance that the 4 Jews were randomly killed (and therefore, that the American president is telling the truth).
Or, in starker terms, the likelihood that Mr. Obama is lying through his teeth is 99.9999719%.
The science is settled.
Saying the Paris terrorists randomly picked a Kosher deli is like saying the KKK randomly picked black people to lynch.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 10, 2015
UPDATE: Much hilarity ensues as clueless (and thoroughly incompetent) State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki is unaware that:
.@statedeptspox have you had a chance to discover if the "French authorities" believe the Hyper Casher murders were anti-semitic yet?
— TheClassyLife (@AceofSpadesHQ) February 11, 2015
UPDATE #2: Of course, there is also the possibility that President Obama is not an anti-Semitic liar, and he simply spoke without thinking.
Certainly, if he were willing to admit that the Muslim terrorist who murdered the 4 Jewish shoppers targeted them because of their religion (and not randomly), then the mathematical proof that Mr. Obama is an anti-Semitic liar would be rendered invalid.
UPDATE (Feb 11 / 2015): Hmmm
What if a white racist with a submachine gun broke into a convenience store in South Central Los Angeles, grabbed seven or eight African Americans who were shopping (maybe there was one Korean) as hostages for the release of some other white racists and then, when attacked, started spewing the N-word while shooting up the place, killing three or four of the African Americans and wounding three or four others, one or two critically.
How would President Obama react?
I suspect he wouldn't say the victims were just "a bunch of folks" who were "randomly" targeted and killed.
UPDATE #4: More insults to our intelligence from Barack Obama's spokesman, Josh Earnest
"The individuals who were killed in that terrible, tragic incident, were killed not because of who they were, but because of where they randomly happened to be!"
America's best and brightest.
An interesting point in that last link: If the attacks in Paris were so random, why are French soldiers standing guard at synagogues and Jewish schools, instead of at random street corners?
Perhaps they just don't understand the nature of the problem as well as King Putt.
Posted by The Foreigner on February 10, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Obama, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Islamapologist, Islamic fascism, Jen Psaki, kosher supermarket, Mohammed cartoons, Muslim anti-Semitism, Paris, the "prophet" Mohammed
Reports are unclear though, as to whether Mr. Obama delivered his little sermon about humility in front of massive ancient Greek columns carved from Styrofoam...
Posted by The Foreigner on February 08, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Barack Obama, Islamofascism
Page 3 of the British Sun to continue showing topless women
Score a win for the forces of civilization.
Posted by The Foreigner on January 22, 2015 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Great Britain, Page 3 topless girls, The Sun
The Interview shelved indefinitely.
Seeking to repair relations between America and a wrathful Kim Jung-un, the Obama administration announced it would swiftly arrest and convict the film-maker responsible: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
“We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the US.” - B. Obama
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 19, 2014
Posted by The Foreigner on December 18, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: Kim Jung-un, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, North Korea, The Innocence Of Muslims, The Interview